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  • LP Academics

Leadership Team

Julie Abram
Deputy Superintendent

Shelli Boren
Secretary, Deputy Superintendent

Dr. Alicia Upchurch
Executive Director, School Leadership

Janci Alfaro
Coordinator, Social & Emotional Learning

        Maria Panalez, Secretary to Dr. Upchurch and Ms. Alfaro

Angela Garza-Viator
Executive Director, Teaching & Learning

Jennifer Green
Director, Research and Accountability

Dr. Angela Baker
Coordinator, Advanced Academics & CTE

          Debbie Varner, Secretary to Dr. Baker, Ms. Garza-Viator and Ms. Green

Billye Trader
Executive Director, Special Programs

Julia Walton
Secretary, Executive Director of Special Programs

Jennifer Upshaw
Director, Special Programs

Matt Burke, Ed.D.
Director, Performing & Visual Arts

Marilyn Neumann
Secretary, Director of Performing & Visual Arts


Academics in La Porte ISD

La Porte ISD is committed to providing all students with an educational experience that allows them to excel academically. To achieve this, we provide curriculum and instructional programs aligned with state standards.  Administrators and teachers work collaboratively to ensure the written, taught, and tested curriculum are aligned throughout the district. Teachers use a variety of research-based instructional strategies and actively engage students in activities to promote conceptual understanding. Professional Development is provided to teachers to development activities, support, and services to enable them to meet the needs of students. Student achievement data is used to evaluate and improve instructional programs.

  • Alcohol/Substance Abuse Treatment
    Billye Trader, LPISD Exec. Director, Special Programs

    Child Welfare
    Department of Family and Protective Services (CPS)

    Communities in Schools (CIS)
    Jessica Cotton-Bernard (LXJH) 
    Jonathan Pena  (LPJH) 
    Christina Vasquez (LPHS)

    Community Youth Services (CYS)
    Sherrita Rachal – 281-604-6788

    Counseling Services
    Billye Trader, LPISD Exec. Director, Special Programs

    Dropout Prevention
    Todd Schoppe,  LPISD Director, Parent Assistance and Engagement
    LaTeresa Wilson, LPISD Attendance Officer

    Federal/State Programs
    Jennifer Green, LPISD Director, Fed/State programs

    Homebound Services
    Billye Trader, LPISD Exec. Director, Special Programs

    Jennifer Green, LPISD Director, Fed/State programs

    Juvenile Justice
    LaTeresa Wilson, LPISD Attendance Officer

    Mental Health Services
    Billye Trader, LPISD Exec. Director, Special Programs

    Pregnant/Parenting Students
    Nancy Ojeda (Parent Education and Parenting Program)
    281-604-6936 (DeWalt office)
    281-604-7700 (LPHS)

    Programs Outside of School
    Elisha Thompson, LPISD Athletic Dir. (UIL Athletics)
    Matt Burke, LPISD Fine Arts Dir. (Fine Arts)
    Campus Principals  - (ACE – La Porte Elementary, Baker Sixth Grade; UIL Academics; clubs)

    Truancy Prevention/Intervention
    LaTeresa Wilson, LPISD Attendance Officer

    Campus principals/counselors

  • Mission statement

    The mission of the La Porte Independent School District Bilingual Program is to identify English Language Learners (ELL) and provide the student, teacher and parent a research based, consistent instructional framework which complies with state and federal guidelines and which prepares ELL students to graduate from high school empowered to make choices about their life and career paths.

    Bilingual Programs

    Grades PK-6

    Bilingual Education is an instructional delivery model, offered in grades Pre-K through 5 for students whose native language is other than English and who need to develop English proficiency skills. The bilingual program gives these students access to the curriculum through content area instruction in the native language (Spanish) while acquiring English language proficiency through English as a Second Language methodology. Bilingual education is supported by educational research on the education of limited English proficient students. This research shows that strong bilingual programs and bilingualism promote academic success. Bilingual students benefit cognitively, educationally, socially and economically from participation in the program.

    • Traditional Bilingual Program (one-way bilingual program model). In this bilingual program model, students who are identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP) receive primary (native) language instruction for concept development while acquiring English. In this educational approach the Spanish and English language have equal value and status in the teaching and learning process. English instruction increases annually through grade 3. Students who entered the bilingual program prior to 3rd grade, progress into a pre-exit phase of the program during grades 4-5. While maintaining introduction or reinforcement of concepts in the primary language (Spanish), this phase of the program emphasizes English instruction. This bilingual program model is available at selected elementary campuses.


    Grades PK-12

    English as a Second Language is an intensive program of English instruction in all subjects with a focus on language arts - listening, speaking, reading, and writing- by teachers certified in ESL methodology. This program is offered to students whose native language is other than English and who need to develop their English language skills in order to ensure academic success. ESL is also a component of all bilingual programs. In these programs ESL is usually taught by a bilingual classroom teacher who is certified ESL. In the dual language cohorts, there is an ESL teacher who co-teaches with the bilingual teacher. ESL instruction is offered at all LPISD schools.

    Links: Bilingual Education

  • The Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.023, allows students in primary grades to accelerate a grade level and students in secondary academic courses to earn credit for a course on the basis credit by examination. La Porte ISD utilizes the Credit-by-examination assessments (CBEs) from The University of Texas at Austin.

    La Porte ISD is required to provide at least one window each quarter for students to test, unless the exam selected by the district has a different administration schedule. Students may take a specific exam only once during each testing window. There is no charge for examinations for acceleration.  We must provide opportunities for a student who is homeless or in substitute care who transfers to the district after the start of the school year to be administered a CBE at any point during the school year.

    Contact your child's school counselor for more information.

    La Porte ISD Testing Dates

    August 23-25, 2022

    November 15-17, 2022
    February 7-9, 2023
    May 30 - June 1, 2023


    July 1 - September 30
    October 1 - December 3
    January 1 - March 31
    April 1 - June 30

     Kindergarten – Grade 5

    Districts must develop procedures to be approved by the local board of trustees for kindergarten acceleration.

    A student in grades 1-5 must be accelerated one grade if the student scores 80% or higher on each CBE including language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies for the grade level the student wishes to advance past. Additionally, the student must be recommended for acceleration by a district representative, and the student’s parent or guardian must give written permission.

    Contact your child's school counselor for more information.

    Grades 6 – 12

    A student in grades 6-12 may be awarded credit based on performance on a CBE taken either with no prior instruction or with prior instruction.

    No Prior Instruction

    Students who have had no prior instruction must be awarded credit for the applicable course if the student receives 80% of higher on the CBE.  Additionally, if a student is given credit on the basis of an examination on which the student scored 80% or higher, the school district must enter the examination score on the student's transcript, and the student is not required to take an applicable end-of-course assessment instrument for the course.

    If a student fails to earn credit by exam for a high school course before the beginning of the school year when the student would normally be expected to enroll in that course according to the district’s course sequence, the student must satisfactorily complete the course in order to earn credit.

    Prior Instruction

    Students who have had prior instruction in a course may be awarded credit for the applicable course, subject to local district policy, if the student scores 70% or higher on a CBE approved by the local board of trustees. Prior instruction is determined by the local school district.

    Contact your child's school counselor for more information.

  • Dr. Alicia Upchurch
    Executive Director of School Leadership

    (281) 604- 7027 Office
    (281) 604-7026 Fax


    Welcome to Elementary Education!

    Enrollment Requirements

    The following items are required to register a student in La Porte ISD schools:

    • Birth certificate or certified copy
    • Immunization record
    • Social Security card
    • Proof of residency (utilities statements, etc.)


    La Porte, Bayshore and College Park Elementary schools have PreK programs for qualified students. Bayshore Elementary also has a bilingual PreK program. To qualify, the child must be at least four years of age on or before September 1, and must be either limited English proficient or from an economically disadvantaged home. Verification of income, food stamp card or AFDC number will be required along with general enrollment requirements. The children of active duty military personnel, activated Guardsmen and Reservists and those service members recovering from injuries sustained in service are eligible for the Prekindergarten program.

    General education Pre-K will be housed at La Porte Elementary, and College Park Elementary.

    • PreK students whose home campus is Bayshore, Jennie Reid, or Rizzuto will attend La Porte Elementary.
    • PreK students whose home campus is College Park, Heritage, or Lomax will attend College Park Elementary.
    • PreK students whose home campus is La Porte Elementary will attend La Porte Elementary.

    Bilingual PreK will only be offered at College Park Elementary.

    Age Requirements

    • Children who qualify for prekindergarten must be four years of age on or before September 1.
    • Children must be five years of age on or before September 1, to enroll in kindergarten.
    • Children must be six years old on or before September 1, to enter the first grade.

    Immunization Requirements

    District policy and state law require proof that each student enrolled in La Porte ISD schools be immunized for:

    • Polio              
    • Hepatitis A
    • Hepatitis B
    • DPT/Dtap/DT/Tdap/Td
    • MMR
    • Varicella (Chickenpox)

    Attendance Requirements

    Regular school attendance is essential for the student to make the most of his or her education. Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student's mastery of student expectations; therefore, the student and parent should make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences. Two state laws, one dealing with compulsory attendance, the other with attendance for course credit, are of special significance to students and parents.

    Homework and Grading Policy

    GRADES 2 - 5

    Homework is kept to a minimum and assigned based on the age of elementary students. Homework is not assigned on weekends or holidays unless it involves a long-term project.


    • Tests/Published copies are 40% to total grade
    • Quizzes/Draft are 25% of the total grade
    • Daily Work/Revising/Editing is 35% of the total grade
    • *Projects are included in daily grade and can not substitute as a test grade or quiz* 

    When children can't live safely at home and an appropriate non-custodial parent, relative, or close family friend is currently unable or unwilling to care for them, the court can give temporary legal possession to Children Protective Services (CPS) and that agency temporarily places theses children in foster care.

    Foster care setting include:

    • Kinship Caregiver homes;
    • Foster family homes;
    • Foster family group homes;
    • Residential group care facilities; and
    • Facilities overseen by another state agency.

    Foster care is meant to be temporary until a permanent living arrangement is found and CPS no longer has legal custody of the child. However, for some children, it can become permanent. CPS strives to ensure quality services for children in foster care. However, children in foster care may have to change placements several times while in foster care due to a variety of factors, such as licensing standards violations, court rulings, or changes in the foster home or facility. CPS consistently works towards increasing placement options to better match the needs of each individual child.

    In Texas, CPS and the Texas Education Code use the term "substitute care" to refer to all children who are in the legal custody of CPS, including children who are placed either with a relative or in a licensed foster care placement.  "Conservatorship" is a term also used in the Texas Education Code and by CPS to describe the status of a youth who is placed in legal custody by court order with Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. (DFPS) Although not commonly referenced, "substitute care" is interchangeable with the term "conservatorship."

    Two Types of Conservatorship 

    DFPS may be the TMC while he agency works with the family on a reunification plan (short term); or

    DFPS may be named the Permanent Managing Conservator for a child until custody is given to another individual or until the youth turns 18 (long term).


    For more information on students in Foster Care, Contact:

    Jennifer Green, Director of Federal and State Programs

  • District Mission Statement

    "Every student's success is our #1 priority."

    Gifted and Talented Program Mission Statement

    Founded upon the belief that schools should be places for student talent development, the La Porte ISD Gifted and Talented Program is committed to providing the resources, encouragement, opportunities, and research-based instruction to assist students in achieving at their highest levels of potential.

    Gifted and Talented Program Goals

    LPISD's gifted and talented program seeks to meet the following goals.

    1. Strengthen student academic performance with meaningful, enriched learning experiences.
    2. Foster positive self-concepts that meet the unique social, emotional and intellectual needs of gifted/talented students to provide them the opportunity to become independent, creative and self-directed learners.
    3. Create and maintain a learning community that encourages professional growth for all staff in the philosophy, theory, and practice of gifted education.
    4. Establish a collaborative relationship between school and community that promotes community-based service opportunities for students to grow socially and emotionally.
    5. Develop a school culture that encourages a parent and school partnership in program planning, implementation, and decision making.
    6. Participate in the Texas Performance Standards Project (TPSP), or other experiences that result in the development of sophisticated products and/or performances that are targeted to an audience outside the classroom.

    Program Design

    As defined in TAC 89.3:

    School districts shall provide an array of learning opportunities for gifted/talented students in kindergarten through Grade 12 and shall inform parents of the opportunities. Options must include:

    1. instructional and organizational patterns that enable identified students to work together as a group, to work with other students, and to work independently;
    2. a continuum of learning experiences that leads to the development of advanced-level products and performances;
    3. in-school and, when possible, out-of-school options relevant to the student's area of strength that are available during the entire school year; and
    4. opportunities to accelerate in areas of strength.

    La Porte ISD provides the following:

    Elementary Gifted Services

    The focus of services for the gifted students at elementary school level (K-5) is to develop creative and productive thinking and produce innovative products. Students are provided a differentiated curriculum in the four content areas that develops higher-level thinking skills and processes. Acceleration is provided when appropriate. These services are provided at their individual campus within the regular classroom setting by teachers who have the required 30 hours of GT training to include a yearly six-hour update.

    Secondary Gifted Services

    The focus of services for the gifted students at the secondary level is that of college preparation. Students are encouraged to begin the Pre-advance Placement program at sixth grade and continue throughout the secondary years. Pre-advanced Placement and Advanced Placement classes provide for not only rigorous academic classes in the four core areas (English, mathematics, social studies, and science), but also for opportunities to earn college credit while in high school, free of charge to parents. These services are provided at their individual campus within the regular classroom setting by teachers who have the required 30 hours of GT training to include a yearly six-hour update.

    Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade

    Gifted students in sixth through eighth grades are served through a variety of instructional and organizational patterns, including:

    • Classroom instruction differentiation
    • Curriculum compacting (when appropriate)
    • Independent research  opportunities (Texas Performance Standards     
    • Projects)
    • Pre-advanced  Placement Classes
    • University Interscholastic League Competition
    • Grade skipping, when appropriate

    Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Grade

    Gifted students in ninth through twelfth grades are served through a variety of instructional and organizational patterns, including:

    • Classroom Instruction Differentiation
    • Curriculum Compacting (when appropriate)
    • Independent Research  Opportunities (Texas Performance Standards Projects)
    • Advanced Placement Classes
    • Dual Enrollment (high school and college)
    • University Interscholastic League Competition
    • Distinguished  Achievement Program
    • Correspondence Courses and Distance  Learning
    • Credit by Examination
    • High School Credit for College Courses


    Twelve Traits of Giftedness: A Non-Biased Profile

    Trait, Aptitude, Behavior

    General Description

    How It May Look

    Evidence of desire to learn.

    Internal drive or encouragement that initiates, directs, or sustains individual or group behavior in order to satisfy a need or attain a goal. Demonstrates persistence in pursuing or completing self-selected tasks (may be culturally influenced); evident in school or non-school activities. Enthusiastic learner; has aspirations to be somebody, to do something.

    Intense, sometimes unusual, interests

    Activities, avocations, objects, etc. that have special worth or significance and are given special attention. Unusual or advanced interests, topic, or activity; self-starter; pursues and activity unceasingly beyond the group.
    Communication Skills
    Highly expressive with words, numbers, or symbols
    Transmission and reception of signals or meanings through a system of symbols (codes, gestures, language, and numbers). Unusual ability to communicate (verbally, nonverbally, physically, artistically, symbolically); uses particularly apt examples, illustrations, or elaborations.

    Problem-Solving Ability
    Effective, often inventive, strategies for recognizing and solving problems.

    Process of determining a correct sequence of alternatives leading to a desired goal or to successful completion of a performance task. Unusual ability to devise or adopt a systematic strategy to solve problems and to change the strategy if it is not working; creates new designs; inventor.

    Large storehouse of information on school or non-school topics.

    Exceptional ability to retain and retrieve information. Already knows; needs only 1-2 repetitions for mastery; has a wealth of information about school and non-school topics; pays attention to details; manipulates information.
    Questions, experiments, explores.
    Method or process of seeking knowledge, understanding or information. Asks unusual questions for age; plays around with ideas; extensive exploratory behaviors directed toward eliciting information about materials, devices, or situations.
    Quickly grasps new concepts; sees connections; senses deeper meanings
    Sudden discovery of correct solution following attempts based primarily on trial and error; putting disparate elements together in unexpected ways. Exceptional ability to draw inferences; appears to be a good guesser; is keenly observant; heightened capacity for seeing unusual and diverse relationships, integration of ideas and disciplines.

    Logical approaches to figuring out solutions.

    Highly conscious, directed, controlled, active, intentional forward-looking, and goal-oriented thought. Ability to make generalizations and use metaphors and analogies; can think things through in a logical manner; critical thinker; ability to think things through and come up with a plausible answer.
    Produces many ideas; highly original
    Process of forming mental images of objects; qualities, situations, or relationships which aren't immediately apparent to the senses; problem solving through nontraditional patterns of thinking. Shows exceptional ingenuity in using everyday materials; is keenly observant; has wild, seemingly silly ideas; fluent, flexible producer of ideas; highly curious.
    Conveys and picks up on humor well.
    Ability to synthesize key ideas or problems in complex situations in a humorous way; exceptional sense of timing in words or gestures. Keen sense of humor that may be gentle or hostile; large accumulation of information about emotions; capacity for seeing unusual; uncommon emotional depth; openness to experiences; sensory awareness.
    Intensity ("Overexcitabilities")Strength of reactions, responses, behaviors. (The term "overexcitabilities" comes from Polish psychologist Dabrowski.) Very Strong, even extreme, responses to stimuli in five areas: emotional, intellectual, sensory, psychomotor, and imagination. Intense desire for experiences in the area(s) of overexcitability; powerful emotions; seeks intellectual stimulation; sensory experiences evoke strong responses; constant or repetitive movement or gesturing; intense fantasy life; may need creative outlets for intensity.
    Strong reactions to emotional stimuli
    Events and situations in the affective and social domains elicit a stronger response than usual. Strong sense of compassion; keen sense of justice; empathy; moral and ethical sensibilities; sense of being "different" socially; existential worrying; often overly self-critical.


    GT Documents


    Image of the cover for The Way I See it, by Dr. Temple GrandinImage of the first two slides of the presentation Perfectionism, Procrastination, and GiftednessImage of the cover of the handout Multiple IntelligencesImage of cover of Living with your Gifted Child: Advice from the ExpertsImage of the cover of the Gifted and Talented Teacher GuidebookImage of the first page of the handout How Goal Settings and Self-efficacy Can Improve Achievement and Decrease StressImage of the cover of the handout Gifted and Talented Parent Meeting, La Porte ISD, Fall, 2021​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


  • House Bill 3 (HB 3) amends the Texas Education Code (TEC) to add Sec. 11.185 and 11.186 to include plans that target early childhood (EC) literacy and math proficiency and college, career, and military readiness (CCMR).

    • Early childhood plans are required to include:
      • annual goals for aggregate student growth on 3rd grade math and reading STAAR;
      • annual targets for students in each group evaluated under closing the gaps domain;
      • targeted professional development for classroom teachers in kindergarten through 3rd grade for campuses that the board identifies as not meeting the plan’s goals and that considers the unique needs of students in bilingual education or special language programs.
      • annual targets that may be set for students in bilingual or ESL programs.
    • College, career, and military readiness plans are required to include:
      • annual goals for aggregate student growth on CCMR readiness indicators evaluated under the student achievement domain; and
      • annual targets for students in each group evaluated under closing the gaps domain.


    HB 3 Board Outcome Goals

  • ​​​​​​​District Instructional Support and Professional Development

    La Porte Independent School District (LPISD) has a strong commitment to the professional development of teachers. Effectively improving instruction is an important factor in our mission statement "Every child is our #1 priority". We want all teachers to work with colleagues to improve schools and advance knowledge and practice in their field. Consequently, we have a variety of levels of professional development to meet the needs of our teachers both individually and as a group.

    Individual professional development needs for teachers are addressed in a variety of ways. Examples include, but are not limited to:

    • Book Study Club
    • Training on Tools for Teaching: Discipline, Instruction and Motivation
    • Instructional Modeling
    • Instructional Planning and Assessment

    Professional development for all teachers in LPISD is sustained and ongoing in a variety of ways. Examples include, but are not limited to:

    • Instructional Coaches
    • District-sponsored
    • Campus-sponsored
  • The McKinney-Vento Act (Section 725) specifies and protects the rights of children and youth in homeless situations. The program assists families and unaccompanied youth that are currently living in a temporary situation due to loss of housing. The McKinney-Vento Education Assistance Act is a federal law that helps children immediately enroll in school, provides assistance for school supplies and obtaining bus transportation and referrals to the community to optimize their education opportunities.

    Information for Parents of School-Age Youth

    Información para Padres de Jóvenes en Edad Escolar

    Contact Todd Schoppe, Director of Parent Assistance and Engagement, at 281-604-7083 or your nearest school for assistance.

    Who qualifies?

    Section 725(2) of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act defines homeless children and youth as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence which includes:

    • Children and youth who are currently living in a temporary place or residence and sharing housing with others due to; economic hardships, eviction, natural disaster, loss of housing; or living in motels, trailer parks, or camp grounds due to lack of alternative or adequate accommodations; living in an emergency or transitional shelter; or are awaiting foster care placement;
    • Children and youth who have primary night-time residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;
    • Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, bus or train stations, public spaces, substandard housing, or similar settings;
    • Migratory children (as such term is defined in section 1309 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965) who qualify as homeless due to their circumstances and living in conditions described above; or
    • Unaccompanied youth (not living with your parent or guardian) living in a temporary situation.

    Your Child's Rights

    The McKinney-Vento Act provides your child with basic education rights such as:

    • Immediate enrollment even if academic records, proof of residence or immunization records are unavailable.
    • Immediate eligibility for free child nutrition. Assistance with school supplies if needed.
    • Keeping the child enrolled in "School of Origin" upon request or assisting the child with enrollment in the attendance zone where he/she is currently residing.
    • Transportation assistance if needed.

    Parent Responsibilities

    The McKinney-Vento Act provides your child with basic education rights such as:

    • Immediate enrollment even if academic records, proof of residence or immunization records are unavailable.
    • Immediate eligibility for free child nutrition. Assistance with school supplies if needed.
    • Keeping the child enrolled in "School of Origin" upon request or assisting the child with enrollment in the attendance zone where he/she is currently residing.
    • Transportation assistance if needed.