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The Public Comment Participation Request is made available for the public to complete during each meeting. The request forms can be found near the entrance of the meeting room.

School boards must meet in compliance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and make public records available pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and Texas Public Information Act. Citizen presence and participation are encouraged at board meetings. In La Porte, you must complete a request to speak to the board before the meeting commences. Each individual is allowed to speak on an agenda item for 5 minutes. However, if more than 5 persons desire to speak on a similar topic, a spokesperson must be elected to represent the entire speaking group. Generally, the board does not exclude any individual speaker(s) from addressing the board.

Because meetings are video recorded, each speaker is asked to step to the lectern, identify himself or herself by name and address, and, if the speaker represents an organization, to name the group. Persons addressing the board may be given a time limit for remarks.

Board members encourage public involvement and will listen to citizens' views and problems concerning school district matters. Patrons are asked first to go through regular school channels. This may include a visit with the your child's teacher and the principal. Most problems are resolved at the campus level. If a problem is not resolved to your satisfaction, then you may bring the matter to the attention of the appropriate central office administrator. The school board is the final level of appeal in the school district. However, if the action taken by a campus is consistent with Board policy, it is not appropriate for the Board to substitute its judgment for that of the campus authority. For more information see "Where Can You Go With a Question or Concern?" for specific steps.

In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Law, the board meets privately in executive session to discuss personnel matters, land acquisition, student hearings and to consult with legal counsel. Complaints about specific employees must be handled in executive session in accordance with state law unless the employee requests that the complaint be heard publicly.