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What is a District of Innovation?

House Bill 1842, from the 84th Legislature, allows school districts to seek District of Innovation status to be exempt from a variety of state requirements. Ultimately, this designation affords La Porte ISD more local control so that we can better serve our stakeholders.

District of Innovation plans must be renewed every five years, and La Porte ISD's District of Innovation renewal plan was approved by the Board of Trustees on April 5, 2022 at its regular meeting. 

District of Innovation Plan - 2022-27

The district will update all policy changes with the Texas Association of School Boards and La Porte ISD Board of Trustees. The District of Innovation designation will last for five calendar years. It may be amended by the District Educational Improvement Council (DEIC) and Board of Trustees, and it may be renewed within six months of the plan's expiration. 

  • La Porte ISD District of Innovation Renewal Timeline (2022)

    • February 18, 2022 - the La Porte ISD District of Innovation proposed renewal plan was posted on the district website for stakeholder feedback.
    • February 18, 2022 - DEIC (District Planning Committee) received the DOI renewal plan for their review.
    • March 1, 2022 - the La Porte ISD Board of Trustees received a public report regarding the renewal of the District’s DOI Plan.
    • March 7, 2022 - DEIC reviewed and discussed the proposed DOI renewal plan and voted unanimously to approve the plan. 
    • March 26, 2022 - 30th day for the DOI plan to be posted on the website.  Unless the district receives feedback that would warrant changes to the plan and a revote by DEIC, committee members will receive correspondence that the plan will go to Board at the regular April board meeting for final approval.  
    • April 5, 2022 - Board of Trustees unanimously approved of La Porte ISD DOI renewal plan. 
    • April 6, 2022 - Notification of Adoption of Renewal emailed to commissioner with adoption date and link to renewed plan.  Also included will be the checklist of exemptions reflecting all sections of the code from which the district is exempt.