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  • LP Academics

Leadership Team

Julie Abram
Deputy Superintendent

Shelli Boren
Secretary, Deputy Superintendent

Dr. Alicia Upchurch
Executive Director, School Leadership

Janci Alfaro
Coordinator, Social & Emotional Learning

        Maria Panalez, Secretary to Dr. Upchurch and Ms. Alfaro

Angela Garza-Viator
Executive Director, Teaching & Learning

Jennifer Green
Director, Research and Accountability

Dr. Angela Baker
Coordinator, Advanced Academics & CTE

          Debbie Varner, Secretary to Dr. Baker, Ms. Garza-Viator and Ms. Green

Billye Trader
Executive Director, Special Programs

Raigan Haas
Secretary, Executive Director of Special Programs

Jennifer Upshaw
Director, Special Programs

Matt Burke, Ed.D.
Director, Performing & Visual Arts

Marilyn Neumann
Secretary, Director of Performing & Visual Arts



Academics in La Porte ISD

La Porte ISD is committed to providing all students with an educational experience that allows them to excel academically. To achieve this, we provide curriculum and instructional programs aligned with state standards.  Administrators and teachers work collaboratively to ensure the written, taught, and tested curriculum are aligned throughout the district. Teachers use a variety of research-based instructional strategies and actively engage students in activities to promote conceptual understanding. Professional Development is provided to teachers to development activities, support, and services to enable them to meet the needs of students. Student achievement data is used to evaluate and improve instructional programs.

  • The Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.023, allows students in primary grades to accelerate a grade level and students in secondary academic courses to earn credit for a course on the basis credit by examination. La Porte ISD utilizes the Credit-by-examination assessments (CBEs) from The University of Texas at Austin.

    La Porte ISD is required to provide at least one window each quarter for students to test, unless the exam selected by the district has a different administration schedule. Students may take a specific exam only once during each testing window. There is no charge for examinations for acceleration.  We must provide opportunities for a student who is homeless or in substitute care who transfers to the district after the start of the school year to be administered a CBE at any point during the school year.

    Contact your child's school counselor for more information.

    La Porte ISD Testing Dates

    August 23-25, 2022

    November 15-17, 2022
    February 7-9, 2023
    May 30 - June 1, 2023


    July 1 - September 30
    October 1 - December 3
    January 1 - March 31
    April 1 - June 30

     Kindergarten – Grade 5

    Districts must develop procedures to be approved by the local board of trustees for kindergarten acceleration.

    A student in grades 1-5 must be accelerated one grade if the student scores 80% or higher on each CBE including language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies for the grade level the student wishes to advance past. Additionally, the student must be recommended for acceleration by a district representative, and the student’s parent or guardian must give written permission.

    Contact your child's school counselor for more information.

    Grades 6 – 12

    A student in grades 6-12 may be awarded credit based on performance on a CBE taken either with no prior instruction or with prior instruction.

    No Prior Instruction

    Students who have had no prior instruction must be awarded credit for the applicable course if the student receives 80% of higher on the CBE.  Additionally, if a student is given credit on the basis of an examination on which the student scored 80% or higher, the school district must enter the examination score on the student's transcript, and the student is not required to take an applicable end-of-course assessment instrument for the course.

    If a student fails to earn credit by exam for a high school course before the beginning of the school year when the student would normally be expected to enroll in that course according to the district’s course sequence, the student must satisfactorily complete the course in order to earn credit.

    Prior Instruction

    Students who have had prior instruction in a course may be awarded credit for the applicable course, subject to local district policy, if the student scores 70% or higher on a CBE approved by the local board of trustees. Prior instruction is determined by the local school district.

    Contact your child's school counselor for more information.

  • Dr. Alicia Upchurch
    Executive Director of School Leadership

    (281) 604- 7027 Office
    (281) 604-7026 Fax


    Welcome to Elementary Education!

    Enrollment Requirements

    The following items are required to register a student in La Porte ISD schools:

    • Birth certificate or certified copy
    • Immunization record
    • Social Security card
    • Proof of residency (utilities statements, etc.)


    La Porte, Bayshore and College Park Elementary schools have PreK programs for qualified students. Bayshore Elementary also has a bilingual PreK program. To qualify, the child must be at least four years of age on or before September 1, and must be either limited English proficient or from an economically disadvantaged home. Verification of income, food stamp card or AFDC number will be required along with general enrollment requirements. The children of active duty military personnel, activated Guardsmen and Reservists and those service members recovering from injuries sustained in service are eligible for the Prekindergarten program.

    General education Pre-K will be housed at La Porte Elementary, and College Park Elementary.

    • PreK students whose home campus is Bayshore, Jennie Reid, or Rizzuto will attend La Porte Elementary.
    • PreK students whose home campus is College Park, Heritage, or Lomax will attend College Park Elementary.
    • PreK students whose home campus is La Porte Elementary will attend La Porte Elementary.

    Bilingual PreK will only be offered at College Park Elementary.

    Age Requirements

    • Children who qualify for prekindergarten must be four years of age on or before September 1.
    • Children must be five years of age on or before September 1, to enroll in kindergarten.
    • Children must be six years old on or before September 1, to enter the first grade.

    Immunization Requirements

    District policy and state law require proof that each student enrolled in La Porte ISD schools be immunized for:

    • Polio              
    • Hepatitis A
    • Hepatitis B
    • DPT/Dtap/DT/Tdap/Td
    • MMR
    • Varicella (Chickenpox)

    Attendance Requirements

    Regular school attendance is essential for the student to make the most of his or her education. Absences from class may result in serious disruption of a student's mastery of student expectations; therefore, the student and parent should make every effort to avoid unnecessary absences. Two state laws, one dealing with compulsory attendance, the other with attendance for course credit, are of special significance to students and parents.

    Homework and Grading Policy

    GRADES 2 - 5

    Homework is kept to a minimum and assigned based on the age of elementary students. Homework is not assigned on weekends or holidays unless it involves a long-term project.


    • Tests/Published copies are 40% to total grade
    • Quizzes/Draft are 25% of the total grade
    • Daily Work/Revising/Editing is 35% of the total grade
    • *Projects are included in daily grade and can not substitute as a test grade or quiz*