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All school board members are required to participate yearly in a three-tiered type of continuing education as required by the Texas Administrative Code 19 TAC 61.1. for a total of 10 clock hours for new Board members and 5 hours for experienced members.

The first tier is an orientation to the Texas Education Code which is an overview of Texas school law. All members are required to take the updated session each year.

The second tier concerns a team-building session for the Board members and the superintendent only. This establishes the environment for working as a team to cohesively determine the annual budget, update and revise policy, set the tax rate, acquire and sell property, approve curriculum programs and other items necessary for the efficient operation of the school district. This session also defines the parameter of the duties of the Board and the superintendent as determined by law.

The third tier requires other sessions/workshops for the continual updating and educating of members on recent legislation, school law basics, school district finance, ins and outs of the Texas Open Meetings Act, ethics, employee compensation matters, and other relevant issues designed to assist members in making upcoming decisions affecting the district.

All instruction is required to be given by persons registered with the Texas Education Agency and who must be authorities of the subject. Workshops are conducted throughout the year sponsored by the Texas Education Agency, Region IV Education Service Center, and the Texas School Board Association. Continuing education hours earned are required to be reported each year in the minutes of the Board meeting scheduled prior to the annual (Board of Trustees) election.

Overview of Continuing Education Requirements for School Board Members

TASB Continuing Education Credit Report