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  • External Research

Conducting External Research in La Porte Independent School District

Dear Research Study Applicant: 

The La Porte Independent School District and the Curriculum Department supports high-quality research that addresses well-informed research questions of educational importance. 

At the same time, the District has moral and legal obligations that require oversight of research activities that make use of District resources such as confidential data, facilities, time involved for faculty and staff, and access to students. To conduct research in the District, a proposal must be submitted to and reviewed by the La Porte ISD’s Research Review Board. The Research Review Board meets as the need arises to review proposals. 

All research proposals must demonstrate clear and direct educational value to the District and not just to the profession of education in general. The proposal should present a minimal intrusion on instructional time and duty time of District employees, manifest a sound research methodology, and comply with current privacy laws. The potential direct benefit to La Porte ISD must outweigh demands on District resources, most importantly on student and staff time. Proposals must also align with La Porte ISD’s policies, teaching and learning guidelines and practices, and programs and services offered in the District. 

We strongly encourage researchers to first explore the school-level data already publicly available. Researchers wishing to use publicly available data do not need to submit a research application to the District. 

To address the issue of survey fatigue that is impacting survey response rates in La Porte ISD, please consider other options before proposing surveys as part of your proposal. If you have research questions that can be answered with existing La Porte ISD survey items, we are happy to consider sharing existing data. The Research Review Board will be very selective in accepting proposals that include surveys. 

Researchers for approved studies are required to submit an electronic copy of the research results/findings to the La Porte ISD Director of Research and Accountability by the timeline provided on the original application. 

Questions about the application process or application materials should be directed to the La Porte ISD Director of Research and Accountability at 281.604.7033 or

Completed applications should be submitted via email to the La Porte ISD Director of Research and Accountability at the email address above. 

Again, thank you for your interest. We look forward to receiving your research application.