Three Bulldog Band members named to All-State Band
La Porte High School is represented in both the brass and percussion sections of the 2025 Texas Music Educators Association All-State Band.
It is the second time for La Porte band students to earn All-State honors since 2015.
Percussionist Santiago Ballesteros, Trumpet player Richard Ortegon and French Horn player Evan Halbardier were named to the elite band after Jan. 11 auditions. To reach the milestone, they had to audition multiple times in a process that began with more than 70,000 band students from across Texas.
The road to All-State begins in July when audition music is released to students. In December they competed for a chair in the All-Region Band. A select few of those students advance to All-Area, where they compete for All-State.
"All-State Band students are the top 2.6% of Texas band students,” said Head Band Director Jason Harvey. “These students worked diligently and competed at the highest level to represent our band program, school, and school district.”
The TMEA All-State Band will perform in February at the organization's annual clinic/convention in San Antonio, where more than 30,000 people from Texas and around the world are expected to attend.