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  • Credit by Examination


The Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.023, allows students in primary grades to accelerate a grade level and students in secondary academic courses to earn credit for a course on the basis credit by examination. La Porte ISD utilizes the Credit-by-examination assessments (CBEs) from The University of Texas at Austin, UT High School. 


 UTHS Available CBE



La Porte ISD is required to provide at least one window each quarter for students to test, unless the exam selected by the district has a different administration schedule.




July 1 - September 30
October 1 - December 3
January 1 - March 31
April 1 - June 30



Students may take a specific exam only once during each testing window. There is no charge for examinations for acceleration.  However, students who wish to take a CBE for credit recovery will be charged $25 per exam.  Additionally, La Porte ISD must provide opportunities for a student who is homeless or in substitute care who transfers to the district after the start of the school year to be administered a CBE at any point during the school year.

Contact your child's school counselor for more information.

Registration and Testing Schedule



Registration Eligibility (Students must meet all eligibility requirements)

  • Students are enrolled in La Porte ISD.
  • Elementary students must meet the state law age requirement—five years old by September 1st for Kindergarten, or six years old by September 1st for First Grade.
  • Registration form is completed indicating grade level/subject for testing.
  • School counselor must sign a registration form to verify the student’s grade level and CBE eligibility.
  • All registration forms must be received by the school counselor by the registration deadline.



CBE Calendar 2024-2025

CBE Testing Window

Deadline to Register

August 27-29, 2024

August 16, 2024

November 12-14, 2024

November 1, 2024

February 4-6, 2025

January 24, 2025

June 3-5, 2025

May 16, 2025


Registration forms are available through the campus counselor during the registration window. The deadline is at 4pm on the last day of registration.




Credit by Exam Review Materials


La Porte ISD does not provide review resources for credit by exams. However, since UT at Austin, UT High School develops and scores credit by exams for all tests, they have developed Study Guides for each exam.

  • Districts must develop procedures to be approved by the local board of trustees for kindergarten acceleration.


    A student in grades 1-5 must be accelerated one grade if the student scores 80% or higher on each CBE including language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies for the grade level the student wishes to advance past. Additionally, the student must be recommended for acceleration by a district representative, and the student’s parent or guardian must give written permission.


    Contact your child's school counselor for more information.

  • A student in grades 6-12 may be awarded credit based on performance on a CBE taken either with no prior instruction or with prior instruction.


    No Prior Instruction

    Students who have had no prior instruction must be awarded credit for the applicable course if the student receives 80% of higher on the CBE.  Additionally, if a student is given credit on the basis of an examination on which the student scored 80% or higher, the school district must enter the examination score on the student's transcript, and the student is not required to take an applicable end-of-course assessment instrument for the course.


    If a student fails to earn credit by exam for a high school course before the beginning of the school year when the student would normally be expected to enroll in that course according to the district’s course sequence, the student must satisfactorily complete the course in order to earn credit.


    Prior Instruction

    Students who have had prior instruction in a course may be awarded credit for the applicable course, subject to local district policy, if the student scores 70% or higher on a CBE approved by the local board of trustees. Prior instruction is determined by the local school district.


    Contact your child's school counselor for more information.